
What is this?


This simple yet beloved Japanese dish consists of only a few key ingredients.
It features freshly cooked rice topped with a raw egg, which is then mixed into the rice until creamy.
Soy sauce is often added for flavor.
This dish is highly prized for its comfort and simplicity, especially enjoyed at home or as a quick meal.
What is the name of this humble yet delicious dish?

ingredients :材料


This simple yet beloved Japanese dish consists of only a few key ingredients.
It features freshly cooked rice topped with a raw egg, which is then mixed into the rice until creamy.
Soy sauce is often added for flavor.
This dish is highly prized for its comfort and simplicity, especially enjoyed at home or as a quick meal.
What is the name of this humble yet delicious dish?


▶Tamago Kake Gohan!「卵かけご飯」でした!



for CEFR