SDGs Goal 17:

SDGs Goal 17:
Partnerships for the Goals
"Friends Working Together"
むかしむかし、森に3匹のなかよし動物がいました。: カメのトミー、ゾウのエラ、そしてライオンのレオです。
Once upon a time, there were three animal friends in the forest: Tommy the Turtle, Ella the Elephant, and Leo the Lion.
They all had big dreams to make their forest a better place.
Tommy was really good at digging, and he dug a water hole so that all the animals could have a drink when they were thirsty.

Ella had a long trunk and used it to spray water on the flowers, making them colorful and beautiful for everyone to enjoy.
Leo was the loudest roarer in the forest, and he used his roar to warn the animals if there was danger coming.
One day, they realized that by working together, they could make the forest even better.
Tommy dug a bigger water hole, Ella watered more flowers, and Leo roared to gather all the animals when they needed help.
彼らのチームワークは、森をみんなにとって安全で幸せな場所にしたのです。SDGs No.17「パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう」が、世界をより良くするために協力し合うことを私たちに教えてくれるように。
Their teamwork made the forest a safe and happy place for everyone, just like the SDGs No.17: "Partnerships for the Goals" teaches us to work together to make the world better.